Photograph of digital out-of-home (DOOH) screen outdoors

Next level DOOH

Outdoor advertising, particularly DOOH, offers large advertising spaces with high reach. 74% of all German citizens over 14 years of age come into contact with a DOOH advertising medium at least once within seven days. If you narrow this audience down to a mobile target group, i.e. 14 to 29-year-olds and career decision makers, the figure is as high as 90%. In total, the 126,000 public screens in over 150 DOOH networks generate around 924 million gross advertising contacts — this means that every German citizen over 14 years of age receives an average of 17.6 contacts with public screens per week. *

As the term public screens already suggests, DOOH is a form of one-to-many communication that is generally associated with high wastage losses for many, as there have been hardly any options for individual user contact so far. We have started at this point and developed innovative ways to rethink DOOH and to use data to address individual user groups in the best possible way; which leads us to a new level of DOOH communication — Dynamic DOOH.

How does that work? Developed specifically for this purpose, our proprietary technology is connected to Germany's largest DOOH publishers in the form of a bidder. In connection with various data points (e.g. weather data, location data or product availability), this enables the programmatic and automated booking of selected steles. The advertising material is generated and controlled in real time by the bidder with relevant information (text, image and video).

Dynamic DOOH

What can this look like in practice — 5 exemplary use cases

Offers that change every week

Retailers watch out! Do you have weekly changing offers that you would like to advertise selectively near your branches? That's when an always-on approach combined with Dynamic DOOH is particularly suitable. With this solution, offers from the product feed are updated weekly, which automatically adapts the advertising messages to the selected columns. Automated adjustment means that certain content of the advertising material, such as price, product and day of the week, does not have to be exchanged manually, but that this is done automatically on the basis of a template via the bidder. This specifically addresses users who repeatedly pass the route along the steles and their branches, for example due to the daily commute. Everyday products can thus be advertised in a particularly eye-catching and effective way.

Unsold Seats

Dynamic DOOH technology is also extremely suitable for promoting events. If, for example, a few days before the concert or musical performance in Hamburg, it turns out that ten percent of the tickets are still available, they can be advertised in the specified city at short notice. The same principle can be applied to other industries, such as train or air transport, in order to convince users of last-minute trips at short notice.

Vacancies available

Looking for new qualified employees? Similar to unsold tickets, vacant positions can be advertised. Targeting is not limited to just one city, but can be hyperlocal. What does that mean? For example, if we assume that a mechanical engineering company wants to acquire new trainees, steles can be displayed near certain university stops. If your open vacancies include experienced professionals, steles close to competitors can be used to draw the attention of employees to appropriate job offers. The vacancies are linked to a data feed, which provides all relevant information in real time — this means that the display of advertising material can be stopped or changed within a very short period of time if corresponding vacancies have been filled in the meantime or new tenders have been added.

Weather data as a trigger

Is the purchase of your product heavily dependent on the weather? During bad weather conditions, users can be addressed using secondary data from popular holiday destinations. Here, weather data is transmitted via API interfaces and updated daily. During rainy days in Hamburg, tourism providers can point out the great weather views in Fuerteventura. Transferred to the FMCG sector, ice cream or soft drink manufacturers could increase advertising pressure as soon as the expected outside temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius.

Addressing users with locally specific advertising messages for strong branding

Specific addressing of the residents of the respective city enables greater accessibility to the respective brand — for example, “Hey Cologne, do you already know the latest product from the brand xyz?” analogous to the Hamburg location “Hey Hamburger, do you already know the latest product from the brand xyz?” — The approach may seem banal at first, but it creates an efficient way of specific and personalized user addressing. In addition to a personal message, information can also be included that could be directly relevant to the user — such as pollen count data that informs allergy sufferers of the exposure at location X in the next few days.

The only limit is the creativity of the set-up!

Now you're just bubbling with ideas on how you can use data to dynamically design your next DOOH set-up? We are happy to advise you on all your questions! The variety of data offers great potential and many opportunities to create relevant advertising for consumers.

In the future, it also remains to be seen to what extent the combination of augmented reality and DOOH advertising will continue to develop; will we soon be able to interact with DOOH advertising across the board and with us? Either way, it remains exciting!

*Source: Digital Media Institute, Public & Private Screens 2019/2020

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